



HMI触摸屏、SITOP电源、6GK网络产品、ET200分布式I/O SIEMENS 驱动产品MM系列变频器、G110 G120变频器、直流调速器、电线电缆、


西门子中国有限公司授权——浔之漫智控技术(上海)有限公司为西门子中国代理商,主要供应全国范围:西门子PLC代理商SIEMENS可编程控制器PLC模块、HMI触摸屏、SITOP电源、6GK网络产品、ET200分布式I/O SIEMENS 驱动产品MM系列变频器、G110 G120变频器、直流调速器、电线电缆、


SIEMENS 可编程控制器

    1、 SIMATIC S7 系列 PLC:S7-200、S7-1200、S7-300、S7-400、ET-200

    2、 逻辑控制模块 LOGO!230RC、230RCO、230RCL、24RC、24RCL 等

    3、 SITOP 直流电源 24V DC 1.3A、2.5A、3A、5A、10A、20A、40A 可并联.

    4、HMI 触摸屏 TD200 TD400C K-TP OP177 TP177,MP277 MP377,

SIEMENS 交、直流传动装置

    1、 交流变频器 MICROMASTER 系列:MM420、MM430、MM440、G110、G120.

    2、全数字直流调速装置 6RA23、6RA24、6RA28、6RA70、6SE70 系列


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模拟值的表示方式下表列出了电压测量范围为 0 V 到 10 V 时的十进制和十六进制值(代码)。表格 B- 2 电压测量范围为 0 V 到 10 V值 电压测量范围 范围十进制 十六进制断路诊断:- 断路诊断:√32512 7F00H > 11.759 V 上溢 1 上溢 132511..276497EFFH..6C01H11.759 V..10 V + 361.69 μV超出上限 超出上限27648..27656C00H..0ACD10 V..1 V (1.0000723 V)额定范围 额定范围2764..8190ACC..0333< 1 V (1.0000723 V)..0.2962240 V断路 1818..100332..10< 0.2962240 V..361.69 μV0 V下溢 21 F 模块发出“断路”或“超出上限”信号时,S7-300/400 F-CPU 将设置为 7FFFH,S7-1200/1500 F-CPU 设置为 0。2 F 模块发出“超出下限”信号时,S7-300/400 F-CPU 将设置If an F-I/O with fail-safe outputs is passivated for a period longer than that specified in thesafety parameters (> 100 hours) and the fault remains uncorrected, you need to excludethe possibility that the F-I/O can be activated unintentionally by a second fault, and thusplace the F-system in a dangerous state.Even though it is highly unlikely that such hardware faults occur, you must prevent theunintentional activation of F-I/O with fail-safe outputs by using circuit measures ororganizational measures.One possibility is the shutdown of the power supply of the passivated F-I/O within a timeperiod of 100 hours, for example.The required measures are standardized for plants with product standards.For all other plants, the plant operator must create a concept for the required measures andhave it approved by the inspector.Property of the individual shutdown of F-modules with fail-safe outputs:A channel-specific shutdown occurs when a fault is detected. It is also possible to react tocritical process states staggered over time or to perform safety-related shutdown of QQ截图20230509172755.pngSetting readback time dark testBecause the fault reaction time is extended by the length of the readback time dark test, werecommend that you set the readback time dark test by trial and error as low as possible, buthigh enough that the output channel is not passivated.You determine the readback time required for your actuator with the diagram in the chapterSwitching capacitive loads.If the capacity of the actuator is not known, it may be necessary for you to determine thevalue for the readback time light test by trial and error. This may also be necessary due tothe part variances in the actuator or external influences.Proceed as follows:● Set the readback time dark test so that the output channel can be read back correctly butyour actuator does not respond yet.● If the output channel is passivated sporadically, set a higher value for the maximumreadback time dark test.● If the output channel is passivated, the readback time dark test is too small for aconnected capacitive load. The discharge cannot take place during the configuredreadback time dark test. Increase the readback time dark test.If you have set the readback time dark test to the maximum value of 400 ms and there is stilla passivation of the output channel, there is either an external fault or the connectedcapacity is outside the permitted range.Disable dark test for 48 hoursThis option allows you to suppress the dark test.If the channel is permanently active (1) for 48 hours, a single dark test pulse is directed tothis channel once the time has expired.You must provide the signal change from 1 to 0 at the channel yourself within 48 hours toprevent the dark test pulse. This also applies to the operating time if the operating time is <48 hours. The dark test is suspended for another 48 hours after the signal change from 0 to1.The dark test is permanently suppressed if the following condition is met:● A signal change from 1 to 0 takes place before the 48 hours have expired.WARNINGIf an error caused by short-circuits (cross-circuits) is detected when you request the safetyfunction (shutdown of the output), not only is this output passivated but all outputs are shutdown and the module is passivated. This is necessary because a complete bit pattern testis not performed within 48 hours, which means an undetected error burst may not be ruledout.QQ截图20230509171706.pngBecause the fault reaction time is extended by the length of the set readback time, werecommend that you set the readback time by trial and error as low as possible but highenough that the output channel is not passivated.To determine the readback time required for your actuator, refer to the diagram in the sectionSwitching capacitive loads.If the capacitance of the actuator is not known, you may have to determine the requiredvalue for the readback time switch-on test by trial and error. This may also be necessary dueto the part variances in the actuator or external influences.Proceed as follows:● Set the readback time switch on test in such a way that the output channel can be readback correctly but your actuator does not respond yet.● If the output channel is passivated sporadically, set a higher value for the maximumreadback time switch on test.● If the output channel is passivated, the readback time is too small for a connectedcapacitive load. The charge of the capacitive load cannot take place during theconfigured readback time. Increase the readback time.If you have set the readback time to the maximum value of 5 ms and there is still apassivation of the output channel, there is either an external fault or the connected capacityis outside the permitted range通过“我的技术支持”,可以Zui大程度善用您的工业在线支持服务。注册 要使用“我的技术支持”中的所有功能,必须先进行注册。注册后,可以在个人工作区中创建过滤器、收藏夹和选项卡。支持申请 支持申请页面还支持用户资料自动填写,用户可随时查看当前的所申请的支持请求。文档 在“文档”(Documentation) 区域中,可以构建您的个人库。收藏夹 可使用“添加到我的技术支持收藏夹”(Add to mySupport favorites) 来标记特别感兴趣或经常需要的内容。在“收藏夹”(Favorites) 下,会显示所标记条目的列表。Zui近查看的文章“我的技术支持”中Zui近查看的页面位于“Zui近查看的文章”(Recentlyviewed articles) 下。CAx 数据 借助 CAx 数据区域,可以访问 CAx 或 CAe 系统的Zui新产品数据。仅需单击几次,用户即可组态自己的下载包:• 产品图片、二维码、3D 模型、内部电路图、EPLAN 宏文件• 手册、功能特性、操作手册

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